This blog relates to the Free Project Plan
When you are about to embark on a telematics implementation, it can be incredibly difficult to know where to start.
In this Blog I’m going to briefly talk through a telematics implementation Project Plan. This document is available for free along with others at
Before you commence an installation with a telematics provider there a number of steps and processes you need to work out first. All of this is designed to increase the chances of your project being a success and avoiding the common pitfalls that I see on a regular basis. Telematics projects can have a snowball effect if you get them wrong from the very start, its snowballs onwards and can be hard to recover.
I’m going to touch upon the key parts of a Pre-Trial stage and on additional videos I will talk through the rest.
Pre-Trial Stage
The project plan is excel based so its nice and easy for every to use. Its split into multiple tabs. We have a RACI (responsibility matrix), Project Plan, Action Tracker, Risk Tracker Success criteria and space for your Project Team
Needs Assessment
One of the very first things you need to do before you commence a telematics projects is carry out a Needs Assessment - at this stage you need speak with all the departments that are going to be involved in the project and map out their requirements and their known risks. You can use the MoScOw technique for this. And make sure you start completing the Risk tracker as early as possible and noting down your teams concerns and opportunities.
Driver Teams
One of the areas that is massively overlooked is the requirement to involve your driver teams
– do you have a lead driver? Have you had telematics before? What was the impact on the team and what do you expect the impact to be? What are the benefits?
The earlier you get that team on board the better – its these drivers that are going to be quite literally driving the main benefit forward. Listen, understand any concerns and work out a plan to counter it.
Return On Investment
You are also going to need to work out your planned Return on Investment against your budget and any expected costs.
How are you going to realise that ROI? Work it into a document against your required success criteria for the project and get sign off across the departments.
Process Mapping
The final action I want to cover in this section is Process Mapping and analysis. Any new system is going to bring an additional workload for your operational teams – start thinking about mapping these processes out as early as possible to avoid negative impact on the operation. You can use your ROI/success criteria documentation to think about who needs to do what to get you where you need to be. Carry out a VSM (Value Stream Map) can be a great way to start working out your processes.
In additional blogs I will talk through the Trial, Project Planning and execution stages along with the rest of the document.
You can find this and others at
Our mission is to simplify the telematics experience, if you need help please contact me.